
當前位置:首頁 > 全部產品 > 德國BURKERT寶德 > BURKERT寶德角座閥 > BURKERT寶德角座閥,BURKERT角座閥辦事處



  • 更新時間:2018-05-05
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 產品廠地:上海市
  • 訪問次數(shù):1116

*寶德角座閥DN50.2000系列寶德角座閥,主要和寶德電磁閥等產品一起使用,我保證*,沒有假貨,和我們合作就是安心,放心,舒心,其中寶德辦事處*產品還有寶德Burkert電磁閥,寶德Burkert角座閥,寶德Burkert傳感器,寶德Burkert電導率,寶德Burkert變送器,寶德Burkert控制器,寶德Burkert分析閥,寶德Burkert過程控制閥,寶德Burkert先導閥等系列產品, 專業(yè)的銷售,*的服務
#00677663 DN8, EPDM membran 
#00677664 DN15, EPDM membran 
#00677665 DN20, EPDM membran 
#00677667 DN25, EPDM membran 
#00677668 DN32, EPDM membran 
#00677669 DN40, EPDM membran 
#00677670 DN50, EPDM membran 
#00677671 DN65, EPDM membran 
#00677674 DN8, EPDM+PTFE membran 
#00677677 DN25, EPDM+PTFE membran 
#00677679 DN40, EPDM+PTFE membran 
#00677680 DN50, EPDM+PTFE membran 
Ultra–compact Y–pattern valve
3/8 – 3/4 NPT
? High cycle life
? Cost effective ball valve alternative
? High operating safety:
– Maintenance–free spring loaded packing
with intermediate relief and wiper
– Self aligning PTFE seal/plug
? Optical position indication standard
? Cost–savings in operation due to
minimized control air consumption
? Low Lifecycle costs
Technical data
Orifi ce 3/8" – 3/4"  (DN10–20)
Body material Investment casting 316L or bronze
Actuator material PA, PPS
Plug seal material  PTFE  (NBR, FKM and EPDM on request)
Media Water, alcohol, oils, fuel, salt solution, alkali solutions,
organic solvents
steam at 150 PSI / 365°F
Viscosity Max. .93 in 2 /s (600 cSt, 600 mm 2 /s)
Packing gland  PTFE  (with silicone grease)
Media presssure 232 PSI  (16 bar)
Media temperature 1) 14°F to 365°F  (-10°C to 185°C) with PTFE seal
Ambient temperature
PA actuator 1)
Actuator sizes up to ? 40
PPS actuator
Actuator sizes ? 40
14°F to 140°F  (-10°C to 60°C)
41°F to 284°F  (5°C to 140°C)
Installation As required, preferably with actuator in upright position
Control medium Neutral gases, air
Max. pilot pressure
Actuator size ? 40 PA and PPS 145 PSI  (10 bar)
Applications Systems engineering
Food processing
Chemical process technology
Sterilizers and autoclaves
Benefi ts Available in normally open, normally closed or
double acting confi gurations
Bronze or stainless steel body
High fl ow rate
Body available as option with external thread
Available with several pilot valve options
Burkert電磁閥001251 000170Q
Burkert電磁閥131424 000175H
Burkert電磁閥042207 000179M
Burkert電磁閥126215 000183S
Burkert電磁閥125638 000189G
Burkert電磁閥125368 000197Y
Burkert電磁閥427922 000213F
Burkert電磁閥012152 000245P
Burkert電磁閥026314 000247R
Burkert電磁閥134689 000275M
Burkert電磁閥064107 000282D
Burkert電磁閥064932 000282D
Burkert角座閥137987 000283E
Burkert角座閥042207 000284F
Burkert角座閥125542 000289L
Burkert角座閥457408 000291E
Burkert角座閥137541 000317F
Burkert角座閥141194 000318Q
Burkert角座閥135150 000340S
Burkert角座閥449694 000348W
Burkert角座閥135150 000349X
Burkert角座閥134689 000360W
Burkert角座閥135080 000368S
Burkert角座閥138230 000373P
Burkert角座閥644226 000393C
Burkert角座閥061303 000399J
Burkert角座閥141199 000422Z
Burkert角座閥017494 000423S
Burkert角座閥041198 000431S
Burkert電導率457229 000455A
Burkert電導率501204 000465C
Burkert電導率135443 000474D
Burkert電導率787633 000474D
Burkert電導率134651 000475E
Burkert電導率008360 000487T
Burkert電導率134438 000494S
Burkert電導率131424 000496U
Burkert電導率126274 000520F
Burkert電導率126286 000526Z
Burkert電導率043934 000539E
Burkert電導率048708 000584U
Burkert電導率126656 000588G
Burkert電導率136350 000614H
001400 000616B
429955 000630M
642292 000637G
153807 000643N
001253 000657L
001252 000657L
501211 000673L
001248 000736B
001249 000837Z
615157 000853H
644226 000921V
141598 000941H
439935 000946E
501204 000965H
135443 000993W
048708 000997S
001400 001002V
153807 001013P
502539 001019V
501211 001029X
420 093 001045X
138417 001084P
141239 001085Q
141187 001094R
131421 001110Z
139578 001130V
134322 001131J
1252 2個
8353 13個
8374 1
8376 83
63118 1
126413 3
134094 2
134251 2
134255 2
Burkert寶德0121型電磁閥 Burkert寶德0124電磁閥 Burkert寶德0127電磁閥 Burkert寶德0331電磁閥 Burkert寶德0340電磁閥 Burkert寶德0344電磁閥,客戶至上價格貨期合理!



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